Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Assighnment #4

Part 1: Relationship b/n Religion and Ethics

A. The relationship between ethics and religion is that ethics is an attempt to figure out what is right and religion gives a clear cut guide line of what is right. Ethics judges whether or not the religous guidelines are indeed moral or immoral. One thing that religion say is moral may be decided immoral by ethical philosophers. Ethical people make their decisions based on logic and reason where as a religious person follows the conduct code given based on faith. In the end though, ethical and religious people come to the same or similar conclusion.

B.I found this article and it really helped me to understand the difference between religion and ethics. It helped me to separate what part of my decision are ethics and what is religion. I learned about how religion is more based on a code that is given to the follower and ethics is a person's own judgment and reasoning. That was the main thing I got out of this article, but it was very useful in helping me understand the topic.

C. Arguable Issue: The issue is whether or not ethics and religion complement each other.

Conclusion: Ethics and religion complement each other.


(1) Ethics and religion usually come to similar or the same conclusions.

(2) They both try to do what is right.

(3) One can help solidify each others conclusions.

Part 2

1. The majority is just simply whatever side of an issue gets the most votes. It doesn't matter if it is 99 to 1 or 51 to 49. The majority rule is often considered the wisest decision even though it may not always be morally correct. This is the way many things are decided in a democracy. But some people may be corrupt in their motives for voting so the majority rule may not always be ethically reliable, but may be in best interest for the group.

Source: Ruggiero

Arguable Issue: Whether or not the majority rule is reliable for an ethical decision.

Conclusion: Majority rule is not reliable for an ethical decision.


(1) People have their own motives when voting

(2) Everyone has a different set of ethics

(3) Some people are more ignorant or uninformed than other people

2. Feelings are the way your mind reacts emotionally to things or situations. Your feelings towards something can make you love it or hate. These feelings help determine what is right and what is wrong. By going with your feelings they can help you make moral choices on what you feel is right or what you feel is wrong. Everyone has different feelings about everything giving everyone different sets of morals.

Arguable Issue: whether or not your feelings area reliable source for ethical decision making.
Conclusion: Feelings are a reliable source for ethical decision making.
(1) Studies show that going with your "gut" is usually right
(2) Your moral decisions are based on how you feel about something
(3) Everybody has different feelings so you decide what is ethical to you.

Part 3

1. I tried to put it all in my own words the best I could but I kind of had trouble explaining some things. I didn't consciously copy anything though. I thought of all my arguments and tried to word them the best I could but I found it kind of difficult.

2. The easiest part of the assignment would have to have been the reading. That was pretty easy and short. The hardest part of the assignment was trying to put the first part in my own words and have it make sense. I had trouble explaining the relationship between ethics and religion. That was the most difficult part.

3. I will think about my decisions a little more and in a different perspective. I will think about if my feelings are rational and my decisions are logical.

4. I think I did alright on this assignment. It was a little more difficult than most of the assignments for me. I had a lot of trouble focusing on this. But I think overall I got enough of my points across and tried my best.

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