Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Blog Asighnment 9


In this section, we're going to return for a moment to Chapter 7, to the section that discusses errors that are common in the analysis of moral issues (p. 89). Briefly explain each of the following errors in your own words, as if you were explaining the concept to a friend who had never taken this class (consider who, what, when, where, why, how, when); and then give an example of each one, preferably from your own past experience.

Unwarranted Assumptions: Unwarranted assumption are assumptions made without prove. They are kind of like a first impression on something. You make an assumption about something without any proof. An example would be that all cops are stuck up and just wan't to give you a hard time but I have actually met a couple nice ones, like two.

Oversimplification: When someone oversimplifies something they make something that is complicated into really basic terms. But the terms become so basic that it doesn't make something seem as important, difficult, or serious as it really is. Usually important information is left out. An example of this would be one time I told my friend who was 20 and never had a job to get one because he's a bum. At the time I was a delivery driver and he just said," Cool, put a sandwich in your car and drive around." He oversimplified what I did because it was a lot more than that.

Hasty Conclusions: A hasty conclusion happens when someone accepts a conclusion with really evaluating a situation very completely. An example of this is when I got a nice car but I skateboarded a lot and always wore really crapy clothes an didn't look very nice. When ever I would look at people they look at me not so nicley followed by a look of confusion when I got in my car. They hastily assumed that I was poor or something.


Briefly answer the following "chapter opening" questions, in your own words, based on what you learned by studying chapter eight:

1. What do we do in situations where there is more than a single obligation? When we are in a situation were we have more more than one obligation we usually do the won that is most benificail for us or will cause the least harm.

2. How can we reconcile conflicting obligations? You can try to make arrangments to reschedule one of the obligations. But not all conflicting obligations can be reconciled.


1. In a nutshell, what is the most important thing, for you, that you learned from this assignment? I think the most important thing I learned from this assignmet was not to make hasty conclusions. Hasty conclusions can be far from the truth and sometimes what find out later isn't the outcome you like.

2. How will you apply what you learned in this chapter to your life? I will try to reach a full conclusion with the decisions I make in my life. I'll try not to come to quick conclusions thay may be false.

3. What grade do you believe your efforts regarding this assignment deserve? I believe I should get full credit. I read the chapter and tried to really put in my own words. I gave examples from my actual life and had to pretend I was a UNF student because my home computer crashed.

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