Wednesday, April 22, 2009

final BLog

(1) Question:

Do human beings have the natural tendencies to do good, or natural tendencies to evil?

(2) Conceptual Clarifications:


Humans have tendencies to do certain things. Tendencies are things that people are more likely to do. So they either have a tendency to do good or evil. Good is something that is morally accepted as the right the thing. Evil is an action or thing that is thought to be wrong in society. Implications are logical relations between two propositions that fails to hold only if the first is true and the second is false.


(3) Answer:


I think most people are initially good, but then they become a product of their environment. Some people can have a bad experience and that can leave a negative impact on them. This can cause them to do evil. I think people have a predisposition to do bad things for personal gain but I think a lot of people over come them. In situation of crisis people usually pull together and help each other out. I think people who come from positive back grounds and are brought up well then they tend to be good. But  sometimes through negative experiences people can also do good. Some people may help other people based on sympathy. They have been in the situation before and know what the person is going through.

(4) Example:

An example of people leaning toward being naturally good is when a disaster strikes. When a tsunami hit Thailand many people from all over the world gave their efforts to help. That shows that good traits of people pass over cultures and countries. People are just naturally created to help each other unless they are taught other wise or have a negative experience that can cause them to give into evil. I think most people that would rather do evil than good use it as a defense mechanism because they are afraid of being hurt again so they hurt other people.



(7) References:


Ruggiero. (2008). Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues. McGraw Hill.