Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blog Assignment #6

1A: Not all actions are moral relavent to the culture they are in. Some things can be considered immoral in any culture by another culture. Some things, like the Holocaust are considered by most cultures to be immoral. In fact, some would conisder it immoral not to think that it was immoral. Another problem with using culture to judge whether somthing is immoral is it follows the majority rule, which has already proven to be flawed.

1B: Arguable issue: whether or not it is correct to say all moral values are relative to the culture thy're found in.

P1: Majority rule is flawed
P2: Some things are considered immoral by everyone
P3: Cultures conflict

C: Therefore, it is not okay to say all moral values are relative to the culture they are found in.

2A: It is not ignorant to pass judgement on another culture. Some cultures are better than others due to technology and education. People who become advanced and civilized are much more prosperous than savage tribes people who don't know how to be community and help eachother to achieve full potential. Also some views in a culture may be hateful towardds another culture. It would seem stupid for them not to think the other person's views are not right.

2B: Arguable issue: Whether or not it is ok to pass judgement on another culture.

P1: Some cultures are more advanced than others
P2: Some cultures have bad views towards other cultures
P3: Some things are considered wrong by most cultures

C: Therefore it is ok to pass judgement on other cultures

Part 2

In some ancient cultures such as China, Rome and Sparta unwanted children were abandoned to die. This is very immoral. The children did not choose to be brought into the world, that was made by their parents. Abandoning them is irresponsible and a horrible thing to do. The child is hlepless, therefore by abandoning it the person is bringing an end to it's life so it's basically murder. Murder is considerd immoral in many cultures.

B: Arguable issue is whether or not abandoning babies is moral?

P1: It can be considered murder, muder is immoral
P2: It's irresponsible
P3: It was the parents choice not the babies to be born

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Blog Assighnment #5

This video has to do with the whole chapter. He talks about the different types of conciousness. He also talks about how there are different types of conciousness and there is not a clear definition. He talks about how you can be physically concious like if some one pricks you with a needle but says there is also more going on in your head then you just feeling pain.
Argument: Whether this deserves 25 points or notConclusion:
This deserves 25 points
(1) I searched for a while to try and find the most relavent thing I could
(2) I explained what part of the chapter it identifies with
(3) I fullfilled the criteria and whatched the a video on conciousness